4260 Arthur Kill Road Staten Island, NY 10309
- Address: 4260 Arthur Kill Road Staten Island, NY 10309
- Area: Charleston
- Price: Upon Request
- Property Type: Commercial
- Home Type:
- Lot Sq.Ft.:
- Building Sq. Ft.: 1,800
Important Features:
• Located in the area which has been designated as part of the Working West Shore 2030 initiative coordinated by The Department of City Planning and the Economic Development Corporation to create jobs, improve infrastructure and managing growth.
• Site is situated within close proximity to Goethals Bridge, Outer bridge Crossing, major highways.
• Perfect for Veterinarian, pet store, etc.
• Triple storefront with excellent exposure.
Location: On the corner of Arthur Kill Road and Sharrots Road
Total Floor Area: 1,800 Sq. Ft (approx.)
Zoning: M1-1
Frontage: 35 Ft (approx.)
Block/ Lot: 7328 / 253
Taxes: Included
Possession: Immediately